Tag: Beachfront

Maritime zoning for Costa Rica beach front propertyiconwht

Maritime zoning for Costa Rica beach front property

Costa Rica beachfront property and maritime zoning are regulated by Law N° 6043 and its Regulations. If you want to buy Costa Rica beachfront property, first read this article. Then, if you still have questions, contact a real estate lawyer specializing in concessions. Maritime zoning In a nutshell, this is how maritime zoning functions: The…

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Costa Rica Beachfront property restrictions

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Before you buy any Costa Rica beachfront real estate, you should learn more about Costa Rica beachfront property. Costa Rica has very little titled beachfront, most of it is a concession. Beachfront property in concession has a lot of restrictions, so you will need to check with your attorney before…

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